Contact Us

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Joanna Krogstad, President,

Lindy Hockenbary, Past-President,

Jocelyn Sumner, President-Elect,

Margie Chinadle, Treasurer,

Shaye Skovgaard, Secretary,


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The Association of Career and Technical Education (ACTE) awards Excellence Awards every year. The awards begin with each Montana ACTE division, then move to the state, regional, and national level. Learn more about ACTE Excellence Awards

Photo by LuckyBusiness/iStock / Getty Images

Teacher of the Year

Montana family and consumer sciences educators who have demonstrated innovation in the classroom, commitment to their students and dedication to the improvement of CTE in their institutions and communities. 

2006 - Priscilla Hedgecock

2005 - Linda Eklund

2004 - Agnes Nelson

2003 - Martha Northway

2002 - Cathe Felz

2001 - Priscilla Hedgecock

2000 - Cindy Barnes

1999 - Cindy Bergum

2015 - Kim Knoche

2014 - Joan Leik

2013 - Karen Durbin

2012 - Joanna Krogstad

2011 - Ruth Ann Zeilsdorf

2010 - Joyce Auer

2009 - Rosemary Weber

2008 - Vickie Kaufman

2007 - Cindy Barnes

Photo by RapidEye/iStock / Getty Images

New Teacher of the Year

Montana family and consumer sciences educators with 3-5 years experience (at the middle, secondary or postsecondary level) who have made significant contributions toward innovative and unique career and technical education programs and shown a professional commitment early in their careers. 

2008 - Judy Bryant

2007 - Heather Jarrett

2006 - Heather Jarrett

2005 - Joanna Krogstad

2004 - Sandy Woldstad

2003 - Jody Haidle

2015 - Shaye Skokgaard

2014 - Jamie Diehl

2013 - Jocelyn Sumner

2012 - Becky Bruce

2011 - Contrella Peterson

2010 - Edie Vogel

2009 - Brittney Montgomery

Photo by Jupiterimages/Creatas / Getty Images

2015 - Vicki Kaufman

2014 - Cathe Felz

Carl Perkins Community Service Award

Montana family and consumer sciences educators who have made a significant impact on a community/humanitarian cause through leadership in programs and activities that promote community involvement. This award was named in honor of the late Congressman Perkins, and is designed to recognize individuals who have demonstrated the same humanitarian concerns exemplified by Congressman Perkins.

Photo by GooDween123/iStock / Getty Images


Every year, MAFCSE honors Montana family and consumer science teachers who have retired from the profession.


2014-15 Retirees

Laurie Stelter - Townsend Public Schools

Dorothy Seiler-Bonk - Billings Career Center

Kathy Anderson - Billings West High School

Karen Covert - Chinook High School

Debbie Dukart - Corvallis High School

Maria Taylor - East Middle School, Great Falls

Cathy Semmelroth - Missoula Hellgate High School

Jamie Hanson - Nashua High School

Peggy Bergsagel - Billings Skyview High School

Ruthann Zielsdorf - Wibaux High School